Services offered to employers

ACFOMI Employment Services provides English and French recruitment services for employers wishing to receive personalized services.


  • Help to identify human resource needs
  • Assessment of skills, aptitudes and interests of potential workers in relation to business needs
  • Help in developing a realistic work experience plan or on-the-job training plan for the participants of Job Matching
  • Participant support and resolving workplace issues that may impact the employers’ ability to meet business goals
  • Financial incentives to offset some of the costs of their commitment to an effective work experience or on-the-job training placement, when appropriate and necessary
Individualized Services

ACFOMI Employment Services offers services to employers who would like a personalized service to help them identify their recruitment needs.

Employers can also obtain information on government programs and incentives offered by the Ministry of Colleges and Training.

ACFOMI Employment Services are here to serve employers and job seekers of the Kingston region. We highly encourage employers to use our online job board to advertise available job postings.

Employer Eligibility

  • Be licensed to operate in Ontario;
  • Comply with all applicable legislation, including federal/provincial human rights legislation, regulations, and any other relevant standards, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Employment Standards Act, Access to Information and Protection of Privacy;
  • Maintain appropriate WSIB or alternate workplace safety insurance coverage and have adequate third party general liability insurance as advised by its insurance broker;
  • NOT hire their immediate family members, such as parent, spouse, sibling or child as a trainee;
  • NOT be receiving government funds from any other source for the same training placement;
  • NOT use placement services to replace existing or laid-off employees;
  • NOT be an Employment Ontario Service Provider.
Organize a Job Fair

The Job Developers at ACFOMI Employment Services are here to help employers organize their job fairs. Our team is dedicated to offering the necessary tools to make the job fair a successful event.

The team will work with local employers to provide personalized services to identify clients that meet their recruitment needs. The team provides support in creating the advertisements, promoting events, and designing the job postings.

Employer’s Commitment

  • Develop a relevant training or work experience plan that will help the participants achieve their employment goals;
  • Provide feedback and skill level assessments of participants if required;
  • Have potential for long-term employment/contract position for the participant;
  • Demonstrate the ability to provide the participant with adequate supervision for training/work experience;
  • Put participants on the company’s payroll and provide the same employment terms, conditions and benefits as for all regular employees.

Our Mission

ACFOMI strives to welcome, develop, fulfill, and vitalize the French-speaking communities in the Thousand Islands region.

Our Values

We believe in integrity, collaboration, relevance and benevolence.

Wheelchair accessible

Baby changing table in the restroom

Hours of Operation:

Monday: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Media Kit

Our commitment to customer service